Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Leave and Cleave" by Rena Frayer

Gen 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Cleave-Unite, strongly attached.

Ladies-when we get married, the Bible tells us that we are to be ONE.  Many times we involve so many outside influences such as family, friends, co-workers, etc.  The one we need to involve is God.  God should be the the head of our marriage.  If He is, the rest will fall into place. 

It is okay to have some Godly person to go to for advice, but make sure its biblical advice.  Sometimes, we are just looking for someone to agree with us.

Also, lets make sure we are the kind of wife that our husband wants to cleave to.  We can push our husbands away by our attitudes.  We should be the kind of wife that our husbands want to come home to.  Make our house a "Happy Home".  Ever hear the saying, "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".  Well there is alot of truth in that.  Attitude is everything!!!!! 

So lets strive to have a home that our husbands are proud of and want to come home to.  Lets be one with God as the center of our marriage.

"Leave and Cleave" by Pastor Matt Frayer

Gen 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Cleave-Unite, Be strongly attached

I am back again for week 2 of these devotions.  I thank the Lord most of all, but I also thank you for your response to these devotions.

I know the first one might have been mild and lengthy, but now we are going to get a more convicting devotion.  Here we go!

How many people are suppose to be included in a marriage? Is is 6, 8, or 15.  The answer is, your never gonna guess it, but the answer is 3.  God, Husband, and Wife.  The Bible tells us to Leave mom and dad, and to Cleave to our wife, and they shall be one flesh. 

Why are marriages declining and going the opposite direction that God had intended?  It is because there is too much outside interference.  You have everybody telling you what you need to do, and before you know it, you have a riff in your marriage.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe that you ought to "honor your mother and father", but now you two are the ones who need to work things out between yourselves.  In the 19 years that we have been married, my in-laws have not once interfered in our marriage.  They live right across the street too.  Make the marriage work by being one flesh, one accord, one mind, and always working together.

Husbands, quite being a mamas boy and cleave (be close-be one) with your wife.  Wives, do the same thing with your husbands.  Be ONE-not 5, 6, or more.

"The Help Meet" by Rena

Gen 2:18 "It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him."

God made us ladies to be a Help Meet for our husbands.  This is God's plan.  What are we to help him with?  Well, anything that he needs help with.  I walk beside my husband, not ahead or behind.  We work together, in unity.  I try to encourage him and lift him up.  The more confidence he has, the better husband, father, Man if God he becomes.  If I tear him down, well lets just say its not a happy home.

As a Help Meet I am to do whatever he needs, so that he can better do the will of our Heavenly Father.  Matt and I try to help, not hinder each other.  Are we perfect? Absolutely not.  Ask your husband, "what can I do for you?".  In return, your husband will do the same to you.

My mom always said, "treat your man like a king, and he will treat you like a queen". If your thinking, ya that doesn't work, well you tell her that.  She has been my father's Help Meet for 54 yrs now.  What an example to follow.

So, try this week to be a Help Meet, and do not be a Hinder Meet.  What a blessing you will receive.

"The Help Meet" by Pastor Matt

Gen 2:18 "It is not good that ,man should be alone, I will make an help meet for him."

Meet-fit, a suitable helper

I am by no means an expert when it comes to marriage, but I know I would not trade in the last 19 years for anything.  As I start these devotionals, my goal is to help people out in their marriage journey.  I am disturbed at the statistics of the divorce rate. Half of all marriages, one third of all Christian Marriages end in divorce.  I am not going to solve our problems in the first devotion, but I will do the best I can.

 Gen 2:18, God saw that man needed a Help Meet.  If it wasn't for my wife helping me out in the ministry, children, marriage, or anything I would not be writing this devotional.  I see husbands being mean, disrespecting, and treating their wives as a second class citizen.  I always heard that the wife is to not walk behind or ahead, but beside her husband-Gen 2:21-23.  Couples should want to help each other out in the home or with the children.  I help my wife out with everything, but the dishes.  I am working on myself in that area.

How can a marriage work?  By doing what God intended early-to help each other out.  If you are reading this today, and your struggling with this issue (weather your a husband or a wife).  I am asking you to ask God for you to be a Help Meet-not a Hinder Meet.  Lets get started on the right foot.  Ask your spouse, "what can I do to help you?".  You will put a smile upon their face.  So husbands get off the couch, and wives get off the computer and help each other.