Monday, July 30, 2012

Testing Our Efforts at Biblical Love

"Charity suffereth long" Love endures offenses, is not hasty in judgments and waits for the Lord to right wrong.  (I Cor 13:4)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I Corinthians 13:8  "charity never faileth..."

The King James uses the word Charity because its the deepest form of love.  Christ is our example on how we should love each other-unconditional love.  We have a tendency to put conditions on our love: like, I will love you if, or I love you when, etc.  God loves us just as we are, and we should love our husbands just as they are.

I know I don't know your husband; how he acts or what he says. I do know that nobody is perfect.  I know the person I married is imperfect and so am I.  I love him unconditionally.  I know we all wish, on occasion, that our husband would be different.  We must allow the Holy Spirit to change them, not us( not our job).  While we are praying for our husbands, we need to have an open heart, and allow the Holy Spirit to work on our imperfections.

We do all have days when love feels strained.  When you feel this way remember Christ's love for you, and follow His example.  Love our husbands the way Christ loves us.  It's days like these we need Charity-that deep love.  This is what helps us pull through.

There are vows we all said-"for better or worse, for richer or for poor, and in sickness and in health".  We need UNCONDITIONAL love!!!!!!!!!!!


  I Corinthians 13:8 "charity never faileth..."
We know the word "charity" is a deeper part of love.  Does love end?  Do you wake up one morning and just decide, I don't love my wife?  I would have to lean to the word no.  I will say that lust is temporary, but love is eternal.

Men, how many times do you say I love you to your wife?  It is important to do this every single day of your marriage.  My in-laws have been married for almost 55 yrs.  They love each other unconditionally. 

Do you disagree or argue once in a while, well of course.  But should we stop loving her because she disagrees?  That is not how love works.If love is missing, your marriage will not last.

My love for Rena grows deeper each and every day.  Our love becomes stronger.  The Bible tells me that my love must be Christ-like.  Ephesians 5:25, "husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it." 

In closing, what if Christ's love was like our love sometimes.  Well, today I don't love her but tomorrow I will, It makes no sense.  Our Savior, Jesus Christ, loves us unconditionally (no matter what).  If His love never fails, then why should ours?

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Missing Ingredient-Part 1-Jesus Christ" By:Rena Frayer

            JOHN 3:16

Ladies, have you ever made something, only to get it all fixed and realized that you forgot an ingredient.  It sure doesn't taste right, does it?  Wee, that is how are marriages are without Jesus Christ.

The advise I give to those who are just newly married is that marriage takes Three. Jesus- you-and your spouse.  He must be first.  When you put Him first, things fall into place.

I do not believe that Pastor Matt and I would be married for 19 1/2 yrs without Jesus in our lives.  There are many times when things have come into our lives, and we survived because of Jesus Christ.  When our daughter passed away 6 yrs ago, that was a major trial.  We got through it because we leaned on Jesus.  A lot of marriages don't survive the death of a child, and its only because of Him that we did.

If there has never been a time in your life that you Trusted on Jesus to save you-now would be a great day.  A new start for a failing marriage or someone to lean on when you feel no one cares. You ask, how do I do this. 1. Admit you are a sinner (Romans 3:10).  2.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; ask Him to heal your heart and He will forgive you  (Acts 16:31).  3. Confess Jesus with your mouth-Pray and tell others (Romans 10:9, 13).

If you have done today-Welcome to the Family of God.  Now begin your new walk with a changed heart.

"Missing Ingredient-Part 1-Jesus Christ" By:Pastor Matt Frayer

                                                                    JOHN 3:16

With marriage, we are looking for a recipe of Happiness, Joy, and Peace.  With any recipe, if there is an ingredient missing, it just doesn't taste right.  Chocolate chip cookies, without chocolate chips, well we have a problem.  This is the same with a marriage. If something is missing, you know what I am talking about, leads to a bad day.

For the next several weeks, I am talking about some Ingredients that we need to make a marriage work.  The first one I am going to write about is the most important of all, and that is Jesus Christ.  You must be born again.  Without Him a marriage will never have that true Joy, and you will not have that firm foundation.

In the Scriptures, Matthew 7:24-27, we read about the Wise man and the Foolish man.  One built his house upon a Rock and the other on the sand.  The Wise man represents the saved man, and the Foolish man represents the lost man.  Which one are you?  The Wise man had the right foundation, and that is because he trusted Jesus Christ.

Have you put your Faith and Trust in the Savior?  God's simple plan of Salvation 1. Admit you are a sinner (Romans 3:10). 2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ-ask for Forgiveness; let Him come into your heart (Acts 16:31).  3. Confess Jesus with your mouth-Tell people what you have done (Romans 10:9, 13). 

Now if you have put your Faith in Him before or just now, you have the most important ingredient in a marriage.  Without Christ we can do nothing.  Lets be on the Right Foundation today!  Jesus still saves sinners.  John 3:16, "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Never be yoked to one who refuses to be yoked to Christ"
We are back, and I thank You for your patience.  We just spent two wonderful weeks with friends at Kingsland, GA.  We still have a desire to see marriages fixed and healed.  In any marriage you need to take a vacation.  We have come back refreshed, renewed and revived and ready to help people out in their marital journey.  In the upcoming weeks, we will be writing about the "missing ingredient", their will be about 8 weeks of this subject, ranging from Christ to perseverance.  We are so glad to be back and once again thank you for your prayers, please don't stop praying for marriages to be healed by God.