Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"The Word, Prayer, and the Local Church" By: Rena Frayer

Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is..."

Here we go with the third part of our Biblical resources.  There is a rise these days in divorce among Christians and non-Christians.  There has also been a falling away from the church.  It use to be that church and family went together.  Now that is not so, even in Christian families.

God establishes the church, and it is mentioned several times in His Word.  Therefore, I believe that it is important.  Church has helped my family as a whole.

I hear people say, I want something to do with my family that is inexpensive.  Well, ever considered joining a local, Fundamental, New Testament church?  There is fellowship, teaching, preaching, singing, praise and worship, activities, outreach programs, etc.  The church will not save your soul, that is only done through the Blood of Jesus Christ. If you want to know more about that, please e-mail Pastor Matt or myself.

When I am going though a trial I first take it to God, then pray and the Word, and then my Christan family-my church.

Listen there is no perfect church, and if you find one-don't join-you will ruin it.  you say, Rena how dare you; no I would ruin it too.  We are an imperfect people in an imperfect world.

The Word, Prayer, and the Local Church.  Our three Biblical resources to help keep our families together.  LETS GET BACK TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The Word, Prayer, and the Local Church" By: Pastor Matt Frayer

Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;.."

Men, I am back with the third and final Biblical resource we need for a healthy and happy marriage.  That is the local church.

I don't know where I would be without Bible Baptist Church.  I can come here anytime to pray, have fellowship with others, and learn about the Savior.  Yes, I know that I am the Pastor, and yes I can come here anytime.  But the local church has helped my family and my marriage become stronger everyday.

Maybe your reading this and you do not attend church.  Please find a strong local New Testament church.  Maybe you have been hurt by people in a church; don't give up.  You can find one to joyfully and faithfully attend.  There is no perfect church, but we should never "forsake the assembling of ourselves together". 

I can guarantee you that going to a strong church will help your marriage.  It is something you can do together, just like reading your Bible and praying.  Please give it a try.  If you already attend church, keep on being faithful.

I read in the book by Paul Chappell, "without all three of them (the Word, Prayer, and the Local Church) your home and family life will be incomplete".  God has given these three powerful Biblical resources as weapons against an invisible enemy, who hates our families.  Men-TAKE YOUR FAMILIES TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The Word, Prayer, and the Local Church" By: Rena Frayer

                                                              I Peter 3:7

This is part two of this devotion.  Last week we talked about the Word is a vital part of our marriage.  Today we will take time for prayer.

I don't know where I would be without prayer.  I believe in the power of prayer.  We should always be in a constant state of prayer-"pray without ceasing". 

When trials come in our marriage, prayer is the life line that we need.  It's our communication with God.  What about using it as a time for Praise.  Praise God for your spouse and family.

Have you ever prayed together as husband and wife?  You should have a set time, beside meal times,  for prayer together.  The family that prayers together: stays together.

This week I challenge you to take time to pray together, with your spouse (instead of complaining).  Every time you are tempted to complain about him, pray for him.

"The Word, Prayer, and the Local CHurch" By: Pastor Matt Frayer

                                                            -Part 2-
I Peter 3:7 "...that your prayers be not hindered."

Men, I am back with part two from our last devotion.  I would like to talk about prayer in your marriage.  I Peter 3:7 "...that your prayers be not hindered."

I will always be believe in the power of prayer.  The Lord has healed the sick and has saved marriages because of prayers to Him.

Now I ask you a simple question and that is, when is the last time you prayed for with your wife?  That is a good question for us all.  My wife and I pray together throughout the day, not just at meal times.  Before we go to bed we pray for things that we are going through and for others.

Men, as I have said before, that no marriage is perfect.  But without prayer, in the marriage, there will be struggles.  Prayer is the second Biblical resource that we can use in marriage.

Maybe you never prayed with your wife.  Please try it today.  I can guarantee it is going to work.  Prayer is the answer.

Before I close, I would like to add one more verse.  I Thess 5:17, "pray without ceasing".  Take time and pray today!

"The Word, Prayer, and the Local Church" By: Rena Frayer

Hebrews 4:12 "for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."

There are three Biblical resources that will help your marriage.  Today I am focusing on the first one-the Word.

The Word of God must be a vital part of our lives.  We need need to be reading everyday.  It has words of wisdom-our instruction manual.  Personal time with God is how we grow; its how God speaks to us.

Not only do Pastor Matt and I have our personal time with God, we also read together.  I love to have him read me the Bible.

If you don;t have anytime with God, I challenge you to start today.  Do a 30 day challenge.  I can guarantee once you start, you will never want to stop.

It will strengthen your marriage.  You will gain wisdom from above to face problems that arise.



Hebrews 4:12 "for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..."

This week I would like to give you one of three Biblical resources that will help your marriage.  I found these three resources from a book on Parenting by Paul Chappell.  I thought that they go well for the subject of marriage as well.

Men I am asking you to get into the Word of God, Bible, or Scriptures.  Whatever term you would like to use.  The Bible has the answers to all of life's questions.

Try reading to your wife.  We have benefited from reading the scriptures together.  The whole idea of devotions is to have a great, happy, and wonderful marriage.

I challenge you too SEEK the Word of God (Isaiah 34:15), SEARCH the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11), STUDY the Bible (II Tim 2:15), and SATURATE yourselves with the Word or MEDITATE (Psalms 1:2). Whether you are newlyweds or been married for 50 years, I guarantee that the Word of God will help you through your marital journey.

Men, I am asking you to please "SEEK ye out of the book of the Lord, and read:..."